Home > Metro Kids Society - Surrey, BC

Metro Kids works with 400-700 children, pre-teens and youth. Programs are provided for low income and at-risk children with each child receiving a weekly, personal home visit. Metro Kids Society believes that children do not need to be limited in what they can achieve because of the environment they are currently living in. With Metro Kids they have the opportunity to expect more.

Just as any mission organization has to adapt the ministry to fit the culture, Metro Kids has accomplished the same! Their high energy programs do not compromise the preaching of the gospel or worship. Weekly, as a free service for each family, the children are bussed from their home to an activity or to the program centre where every age group receives specific ministry.

Metro Kids Society - Kids Klub

Super Saturday Kids Klub is an action packed program specifically designed for inner city children at risk. Teaching themes consist of the basic morals any parent or society would like to build into their children: loving one another, respecting authority, obeying your parents, helping the needy.

Metro Kids Society -ConnXion Pre-Teens

The preteen years can be a very crucial time of transition for many young people. The ConnXion is custom designed for grade 5-8?s, those in between being a kid and a teenager.

Metro Kids Society -Fusion High School

The Canadian youth culture propels many at-risk young people into gang involvement, drug and alcohol use, violence, and sexual experimentation. Fusion exists to encourage young people from grade 8 through 12 to make healthy choices and discover all they were designed to be.

Metro Kids Society - Director Graham Hanason

Director, Rev. Graham Hanson, has a huge passion to see the broken and hurting restored and find new life. Over the last 20 years, Graham has trained dozens of interns, staff members and volunteers in the best ways to reach kids where they are at.

Sunday Line is pleased to support Metro Kids Society as they provide hope to needy and hurting young people in the inner city through the message of the Gospel. Your gift in support of this vital ministry is truly appreciated.

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