Home > Hope House for At Risk Girls

Hope House is now ready to receive girls who are at-risk to become sex-trade workers at young ages simply because of the environment into which they have been born. As a compassionate response to the award winning film, "Born into Brothels", Calcutta Mercy Ministries began a decade long process of establishing trust and credibility in the neighbourhood. First, a medical clinic was opened to serve the women and girls of the sex-trade industry. Hope Laundry was developed to provide a safe form of income. After overcoming many obstacles, appropriate property has been found and purchased. The girls will now have a safe home in which to grow, to receive an education and vocational training - to be allowed the opportunity to make healthy choices about their future life direction.

Hope House Campus is a three-acre property with a pond, fruit trees and open fields - a huge contrast from the cavernous feeling of entrapment in the red-light neighbourhood where narrow lanes lined with three to four story buildings allow the light of day to enter only through narrow strips above where the buildings separate.


Born Into Brothels Movie Poster

Most of the girls come from backgrounds where abuse, deceit, and despair make up their lives. It will take time for them to understand that their life can be different. Learning basic life-style skills with discipline and structure will be a large part of their early development. Hope House may be the only chance many girls will have to break the debilitative cycle into which they have been born and grow into independent, healthy and successful adults.

Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House
Hope Medical Clinic for the women of the Brothel
Hope Medical Clinic for the women of the Brothel
Narrow, dark streets of the Brothel Neighbourhood
Narrow, dark streets of the Brothel Neighbourhood
Narrow, dark streets of the Brothel Neighbourhood
Narrow, dark streets of the Brothel Neighbourhood
Narrow, dark streets of the Brothel Neighbourhood
Narrow, dark streets of the Brothel Neighbourhood
Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House
President of CMM Bonnie Buntain-Long with husband and colleagues
President of CMM Bonnie Buntain-Long with husband and colleagues
Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House
Present and future development of Hope House



Sunday Line is pleased to support Calcutta Mercy Ministries as they bring new life to thousands of impoverished men, women and children.

Your gift in support of this vital ministry is truly appreciated.

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